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"Exposing my emotions to the World!  A writer does this every day.  But this... this is more of a declaration of love, and is specifically dedicated to my wife, Linda.  I hope she reads it on her birthday." - Allen Ansell

Impossible to dream …

for none can match the sparkle of your soul,
or the bloom of your kindness,
None has the depth of your kiss
or the vibrancy of your compassion.
There’s none as bright as your laugh,
or illuminating as your smile …
and where is the intensity
as in the constancy
you give to me?

There is none as bright as your eyes,
none as soft as your touch,
none as comforting as your voice,
none as beguiling as your glance,
none as enchanting as your grace.
I’m lost to find a colour as fine
as any part of you …
and yet …
you colour and light up my entire life.

© Allen Ansell 2022