Reading Time: 2 minutes
"I was looking at moments of unexpected powerful change in life. I doubt the result does justice to the magnitude and significance of the events." - Allen Ansell

Through the glass wall I passed.
Unknowing. Unfeeling. Unseen.
The journey was without event -
Just the soft hormonal plunge
that stole laughter and gave tears.
And the tears that fell were void -
Without reason, without cause...
Yet they full filled my eyes,
Blurred my vision and thoughts,
Wet my trembling hands…
Hands that sought to give myself comfort
By caressing my automaton face.
No-one would understand me.
No-one would provide me solace.
In that place, behind the clear wall...
I was alone. I was lost. Depressed. Pressed.

Through the glass wall I passed.
One moment driving a country road,
The next engulfed in sudden tears.
Where was the road sign that said,
‘Danger: Depression Ahead’?
There was none. There was one
That said, ‘Uneven Road Ahead’
But I took no heed of its warning,
Driving on oblivious to innuendo
Or the subtle double entendre.
No-one would excuse my error.
No-one would give me back
My memory. My sense of self.
My sense of where I belonged.
In that place, behind the clear wall...
I was no longer in control. Possessed.Taken.

Through the glass wall I passed,
And found myself in heaven…
There was no warning. No signs.
Just the soft blending of our lips,
And the duet of beating hearts.
Nothing was the same. All was changed.
Just she and I would share this...
No-one else could feel this passage to
A place where scent and sound and touch,
And sight and taste and thought,
Were interchanged. Intertwined.
The glass stood beckoning. Teasing. Defiant.
Like a rush of oxygen into a fire.
I plunged headlong behind the clear wall,
And on the other side...

Was heaven.

© Griffonner 2005, 2023

(*Formerly entitled 'CHANGES')