Reading Time: 2 minutes
Unknown to me,
In the year I was born,
Mairzy Dotes fell
off a fellow writer's nib.
A nonsense born
alongside mine,
sung to me through grandma's voice
and scorched into my mind
so that the stench
of my burning flesh
returns from time to time
without me having choice.

While Dozy Doats
was playing in the charts
wee little me
fell into an open fire...
Such a brief attempt
at passing through!
Thwart by being grabbed and pulled free,
I survived with special care
by doctors treating the burns
of airmen burned in the air
by Hitler's obscene decree.

Now Lamzy Divey comes
and fills my mind with song
on waking to a cyclic World
where the fresh stench of flesh
pervades my nose and mind.
Another madman dreams of gold
and adulation for his wrong.
The miasma billows across seas
and is not even fresh -
for the madness continues on
from one day to another.

One year to another.
Jumbled and jivey.
A nonsense that should not be.
Never to be forgotten.
Never the lesson learned:
Brother killing brother.
Killing child and mother.
And no matter what may fall
mortar bomb or rockets
In the end it will be the same
it happens to us all...

he'll leave with empty pockets.

© griffonner 2022