Reading Time: 2 minutes
'But Jesus said, “Suffer the little children,and forbid them not,to come unto me: 
for of such is the kingdom of heaven.' - Matthew19:14

Have you not heard?
Christmas has been cancelled.
There’s to be no celebration,
and no meeting and greeting,
during the Covid season.

So,go tell the wise men,
In their four-wheeled drives:
they can go home to Persia,
for the family they are seeking,
have been lost along the way.

Fortunately –or not,
they found the means,
via greedy eager men –
so very happy to help –
only needing to be paid,
to help them on their way.

So,the refugee family –
fleeing from danger,
do finally arrive,
to where the sea divides;
across to where they pray,
their safety will lay.

In despair –ignoring portents,
they give their consent,
to board the flimsy raft:
Yusef – Maryam – and child;
are – as they always will be,
lost souls cast upon the sea.

Such a strange Advent;
star-shells illuminating
the Border Force –seeking
abroad the recessive sea;
while fishermen now dread,
what may lie in their nets.

So,have you not heard?
Christmas has been cancelled.
with no celebrations;
no meeting and greeting,
after the Covid season.

The Christ-child is not to be found:
He is drowned.

© DGMoody 2020, 2023