Reading Time: 2 minutes
The signal reaches me
from the young woman's apartment
below mine;
a muffled beep, repeated ten times
or more

She's a newcomer;
her name jumping at you
off her front door;

Checking her
by all the means available
on the Internet,
personally and voluntarily left sprawling
for one and all,
I find her at age thirty,
an accountant consultant, single,
moving in here from the country side,
keeping a horse for riding
out at her parental farm,
quite, if not unnaturally, silent,
not a peep
with the exception of aforementioned beep,
perchance uneasy
at moving in amongst neighbours
making this area their habitat since decades,
even half a century or more

The lady is in the money, it appears;
her black, shiny automobile out below
not inexpensive in the least,

but she reveals a lonely appearance,
showing up at times with a doggy,
which she, of course, can't leave here,
when splitting for work early morns;
most likely keeping her comrade
back at the farm

At the outset I jumped at the muffled signal
from her alarm clock,
whereas now it comforts me

My investigations revealed Sanna, the newcomer,
as an intelligent, orderly, shy, lonely and independent
young human,
completely turning my initial beep reaction around,
from irritation to the appreciation of a sign of life,
on a comfy, amiable, neighbourly note

© Ingvar Loco Nordin 2022