Reading Time: < 1 minute
We sat together, her and I,
about to eat our meal,
discussing complications
that Life seems quite intent
at throwing in our path.
The thought ocurred to me,
how simple Life had seemed
when we were newly married
and glistened in the trail
of romantic stardust
all around us then.
Happenchance intervened
as my Lover's eyes filled
and I watched tears flow
to wet her blossom cheeks.
How two soul's thoughts can
simultaneously land
on the same shared past
never ceases to amaze me.
When expressing what I thought
was wisdom, "But those times
have been and are now gone"
my throat caught, and beyond
control the water came..

We cried together
for what we'd lost
to Time's cruel game:
For what we'd love
to simply live again.


© Allen Ansell 2023