Reading Time: < 1 minute
"Seeing is believing... but is it really?  What we see in our mind's eye, or in the hypnagogic state or even  hypnopompia, these can be truly hallucinogenic. So what are we to make of memories/visions such as those I describe in my poem 'Each To His Own Continuum' and which appear to arrive in our consciousness 'out of the blue'?" - Allen Ansell 

Yes I see them
The ghosts of my past:
Grandma on a stool
swinging her leg to and fro.
Grandpa in his car
bound for another football match.
My dad laughing heartily
at the Christmas dinner table.
There are loads of them,
memories that really last -
that come and go
in and out of consciousness.
flitting before my eyes
as I prepare for sleep
or daydream under the blue
skies of a hot Summer day.
Popping into my mind
at all hours day and night.
What I wonder most of all
is if they have similar
scenes of me myself
that they relive
in their continuity?

© Allen Ansell 2023