Reading Time: < 1 minute
"The whole feeling of this piece came to me when I was hearing about the death penalty being carried out in the USA. It wasn't a nice feeling... a 'hairs on the back of my neck' feeling." - Allen Ansell

Do you hear it?
Down deep in Man’s soul?
Down, down, down,
so deep
that it is normally unheard,
but sometimes ... sensed ...
like the aroma
of wild strawberries
blown by the wings
of a Karner Blue?
Do you feel it?
The hum?
The cold room
with one, chunky, wooden chair…
and there’s leather…
the aroma of electric air…
the fear…
the terror…
the wrapping…
the zapping…
the buzz…
the peace.
Do you hear it?

© Allen Ansell 2023