Reading Time: 2 minutes
"The less time there is, the more there is to enjoy." - D G Moody

No one knows me as well as you,
knowing me more than I can do.
You have been to me my very all,
my life’s blood body and soul.
I cannot imagine any other
as best friend, guide, and lover.

Love is a keen edged possession,
being first forged in our passion
then later tempered by affection.
Yet love gives our lives its meaning.
And it is the love that we love by
that lets us know we’re loved thereby;

As we’ve grown older, you and I
we’ve never let life’s joys slip by,
and with the passage of the years
you helped me to embrace my fears;
accepting the dark with the light,
in the dawn together after the night.

Seeing you through the eyes of love
I see the girl who will always be there,
and while time may trap us in memory,
what is past is gone, there is only here;
floating like moths around deaths flame,
but we’d do it all again – just the same.

When I read this you’ll smile and say,
“it’s time for bed – put your pen away”.
Then you’ll stand and put out the light,
to lead me upstairs for now its late;
and though there is snow on the roof,
there is still some fire in the grate.

© D G Moody 2023